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The sky is the limit with this workshop, you can do a botanical design, a 3 d design, have a go at making a 3d object like a shell. You can incorporate a stone in your design also if you like. I have a huge selection of moulds, textures, alphabet stamps, and lots of design stamps. The workshop includes:

10 g of art clay silver (cost £23)

use of silver paste (syringe/pot)

2/3 firable stones (optional)

moulding compound (optional, only needed for 3d objects) I have many already made.

sterling silver jump rings


chains and ear wires are available at extra cost.

For this workshop I'd like you to have the opportunity to make sets like the ones pictured, as these make lovely gifts (for others and yourself). So I will bring soldering equipment. (Small extra cost about £2 for sterling silver posts and backs)

You will learn to design and make your piece, add 3d pieces or stones with clay.

Dry your peice, sand and prepare peice for firing. Fire using a gas stove. Oxidise (optional), polish by hand.

Silver Clay is an alchemical process that starts with a peice of fine textured clay. This is then dried and fired, and the piece becomes 99% or fine silver.

Silver Clay is incredibly versatile, and you can quite reasonably buy starter sets to use at home.

The workshop is approx 4 hours long, so please bring some lunch.

Christmas Silver Clay Workshop Sunday 19th November at 11.30 at the Craft Barn

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